
Reset forgotten user password on Ubuntu

July 9, 2012 in Tips

Reset User Password on Ubuntu

Sometimes, (if not every time), i create a password for something and after 10 minutes (maybe less) i have already forgot that. Thanks god in Ubuntu you can reset the password of a user easily. Today is maybe the 1023654th time i did that. So i decide to create a post for that.

Just follow the steps its easy.

1. boot your computer while you press and hold "Shift" key
2. Select Ubuntu blablabla (recovery mode)

3. In the recovery menu select "root"

4. when the promt appears type:

mount -rw -o remount /

passwd "username"

where "username" is the username of the user that you don’t know the password
Now type a new password twice and you are done!

Here is a video tutorial!


How to Install classic desktop on ubuntu 11.10

March 16, 2012 in Tips

How to Install classic desktop on ubuntu 11.10

Ubuntu 11.10 comes with out the classic gnome desktop that was included in version 11.04. But you can install the old fashion, and good looking desktop at any time you want. So if you Want to make you Ubuntu look like the older versions of Ubuntu open a terminal and type the following:

sudo apt-get install gnome-panel

When that finish go on and log out or restart you system and at the logon screen next to your username there is a settings button click it and select Gnome Classic or Gnome Classic (No effect). Then type your password and you have the classic Gnome desktop.

If you have autologin "ON" and you want to login to gnome panel everytime then open a terminal and write:

sudo gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

and change:




Save and exit, restart


How to enable root password on Ubuntu

March 15, 2012 in Tips

How to enable root password on Ubuntu

During the installation of Ubuntu you can create a user and you can set a password for that user. Ubuntu also create a root user who can have full access to Ubuntu system. For example if you try to install a new software on Ubuntu from Graphic User Interface or from shell the Ubuntu will ask you for your password to do that. If you login with "root" user the Ubuntu will never ask you for passwords every time you do a change to the system.

But you cant login with "root" user until you set up a password for this user. To do so open a terminal and type

sudo passwd root

then type a password for "root" user. when done you can switch to "root" user by typing

su root

and by giving the password for "root" user

Now you have full access to your system.